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Janice Grayson

Servicing With A Smile LLC

Your staffing solutions

My name is Janice, I'm the director  and owner of Servicing With A Smile. A few years ago I would have never thought that this was possible, owning my own business. I worked in the medical field for many years and at that time I wasn't thinking about doing anything else. Let me tell you, circumstances brings about changes.  My change came when I lost my mom a few years back. This was the most horrible thing that I could imagine. This forced me the oldest girl out of 10 siblings to take on the responsibility of caring for my adult incompetent baby sister. I would have had it no other way. This also forced me to have to stop working outside of the home. With so much time on my hand and a means of keeping my mind occupied and off of the hurt and pain I was going through, I constantly browsed the web. In desperate need of finding  legitimate work from home, I surprisingly stumbled upon this CSP position. I did some research and reluctantly enrolled and paid for a class. Upon completion of the class I started to work from home. There was no waiting period after classes were completed. I did this for a while, well I still do. I want to reach out to others who are as skeptical as I was. I created Servicing With A Smile LLC in hopes to reach those who have similar situation as my own or who are driven and work good independently. This has truly been a road worth traveling for me.

How I Got Started

Here at Servicing With A Smile, We are dedicated to helping you discover your potential as a Customer Service Agent. We focus on helping you to find and choose the best client for you.   We also focus on getting you started as simple and effortless as possible. The buck doesn't stop there. We keep in contact with you after you have completed classes and beyond. Lets make your staffing decision a good one by choosing Servicing With A Smile LLc.

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it..



~Maya Angelou

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816-905-7561 or816-701-9557

12211 Oakpark Blvd

Saint Louis, MO.


If you're talented and looking for a job, contact us here:
If you're looking for talent, contact us here:



816-905-7561 or 816-701-9557

If you're looking for a work at home position, contact us here:

12211 Oakpark Blvd

Saint Louis, MO.


If you're talented and looking for a job, contact us here:
If you're looking for a work at home position, contact us here:

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To get started, please click on this link, click the register now button and follow the prompts. Put in the 95963 number when asked for the IB ID. I will respond as quickly as possible. Looking forward to working with you.

Janice Grayson


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